September 1, 2016

Making Peace

It doesn’t come as a surprise to say that the world at the moment is embroiled in a tremendous amount of discord. We’ve seen several particularly […]
July 17, 2016

A Response to Nice

This week the world suffered a terrible tragedy in Nice, France, which itself was one of many similar tragedies seemingly in a row. I received numerous […]
July 7, 2016

What Are You Willing to See?

It is said that “seeing is believing” but, in fact, it is from believing that we see. I read an intriguing case last night involving scientist […]
April 12, 2016

Apprendre à discerner dans vos rêves, les rêves de l’Être

Nos rêves nous parlent à travers nos passions. C’est ainsi que nous exprimons et devenons « qui nous sommes ». S’efforcer de réaliser ses passions, c’est ouvrir la voie […]
April 3, 2016

Free to Be – A Passover Story

I’m going to tell you a story. Once there was a group of people who heard rumors there would be a famine, and so they followed […]
March 21, 2016

How to Recognize Your Dreams of Self

Dreaming is expressed through our passions. It’s how we say and become “Who we are”. Endeavoring to realize our passions is a path to self-discovery and […]
March 7, 2016

Personal Power & Dreaming

We talk a lot about “powerful people” or “getting our power back” or “feeling powerful”, but what are do we mean by this? What is personal […]
March 7, 2016

Those Old Stories…

How do we know our patterns and how do we change them? Doing and saying the same things is called pattern. And, just as the name […]
March 7, 2016

Why am I blocked, and how does dreaming help?

We enter this world as a blank canvas infused with the passions of goals, curiosity, and our raw set of unique talents. We encounter the world […]